Funny how a year later almost nothing has changed...
Item's in parentheses are updated information.
Originally published on Technorati as State of the Union 2012.
At least nobody
shouted "You Lie!" during the speech.
Still, it wasn't
difficult to distinguish party affiliation during the hour long oratory. Most Republican's remained seated for most of
it with politely folded hands and a 10000 yard stare.
With at least a cursory level of decorum on display in the House chambers
last night we witnessed the 2012 edition of the State of The Union with
President Barack Obama presiding.
The economy took precedence as the primary focus of the speech with
new tax incentives for companies that create jobs domestically while removing
them from those that create them elsewhere.
A new investigative unit called the Trade Enforcement Unit is charged
with investigating unfair trade practices and monitoring the flow of
counterfeit and unsafe products into the
Free trade agreements between the U.S. and South Korea, Colombia and
Panama were also touted as helping to increase trade and move American products
into foreign markets.
(During the election these agreements that had bipartisan support in both houses were used as political barbs by the Republican party)
(During the election these agreements that had bipartisan support in both houses were used as political barbs by the Republican party)
The president also encouraged private/public partnerships to retrain unemployed workers for technical jobs that otherwise remain unfilled. He went on to cite the example of a single mother displaced from her job as a mechanic in North Carolina.
" Jackie Bray is a single mom from North Carolina who was laid
off from her job as a mechanic. Then Siemens opened a gas turbine factory in
Charlotte, and formed a partnership with Central Piedmont Community College.
The company helped the college design courses in laser and robotics training.
It paid Jackie’s tuition, then hired her to help operate their plant."
(This initiative has gone nowhere sacrificed on the altar of the year's budget wrangling)
The cost of higher education was also addressed with an admonition to
post secondary institutions to keep tuition costs down or risk the loss of
public funding.
(A great idea but a toothless mandate although new Federal student loans are no longer administered by private servicers. Pre-existing loans have seen little to no change)
(A great idea but a toothless mandate although new Federal student loans are no longer administered by private servicers. Pre-existing loans have seen little to no change)
There was also mention of the need to address immigration issues
regarding foreign born students studying in the U.S. who are deported because
of their technically illegal status. The
President used this as an example to highlight the need for immigration
reform. From the Speech,
" The opponents of action
are out of excuses. We should be working on comprehensive immigration reform
right now. But if election-year politics keeps Congress from acting on a
comprehensive plan (It did) , let’s at least agree to stop expelling responsible young
people who want to staff our labs, start new businesses, and defend this
The President also encouraged support for small businesses by allowing
easier access to financing and tax incentives for providing better wages and
job creation. He went on to propose the
elimination of unnecessary and cumbersome Federal regulations exemplified by
the example of dairy farmer's requirement to comply with federal regulations
regarding cleanup after a milk spillage because milk was classified as an
He went on to mention the need for investment in renewable energy and
cited support of domestic exploration of energy resources.
(So long as oil, coal or natural gas is considered renewable, there isn't a problem for conservative lawmakers. Public investment has been largely blocked by congressional deadlock)
(So long as oil, coal or natural gas is considered renewable, there isn't a problem for conservative lawmakers. Public investment has been largely blocked by congressional deadlock)
The President also called for investigation of risky and abusive
behavior of those in the financial industry by
a new Financial Crimes Unit under the supervision of the Attorney
General of The U.S.
(Apart from heated questioning of mortgage bankers during Senate hearings, this too was largely a toothless mandate)
In his speech he highlighted the need for cooperation across party
lines concerning budgetary and tax fairness issues. The President also proposed a ban on insider
trading for members of congress to curtail the influence of business lobbyists
on politicians.
("Fairness" is apparently an ambiguous term even a year later)
("Fairness" is apparently an ambiguous term even a year later)
The measure would prevent members of congress from owning stocks in
companies that they have a direct influence over or from.
(This did get through congress)
Recognition of the Military's success in eliminating Osama Bin
Laden was mentioned when the President
"For the first time in two
decades, Osama bin Laden is not a threat to this country."
(Even conservatives had to admit this fact but the political machine did its best to bury it)
The President also stressed the
need to support returning Veterans with funding for the VA and tax incentives
to employers who hire veterans returning from service.
(Current budget negotiations still have VA funding on the chopping block. A number of private funding organizations have sprang up to try to fill the gap)
As with any State of the Union we've come to expect a high level of
political ideology and a wish list of associated ideals from the Executive
branch. Regardless of the motivations
that craft the annual Presidential address it's understood that most of the
admonitions will not come to pass.
The Republican response to the speech from Indiana Governor Mitch
Daniels, for example, was either
diametrically opposed to the majority of the content or focused on election
year political rhetoric. A notable
quote from the governor, " he cannot claim that the last three years
have made things anything but worse:"
(Neither can you you governor)
For the previous 4 decades the ideologies of both political parties
have prevented true bi-partisanship. The result had been either congressional deadlock
or biased legislation in favor of the ideals of the party in power.
Unfortunately we are a nation of strong ideologies with political
parties locked in a battle between the 20th century's New Deal and the 19th
Century's industrial expansion. Both
have their merits and deficiencies but neither
is compatible with the other.
Unfortunately, more often than not this makes for an environment hostile
to compromise that no well crafted oratory can overcome.
If the
State of the Union serves no other purpose it at least exemplifies the
constituent components of the ideologies
that prevent progress.
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