This week, hot on the heels of President Barack Obama's second
term the local news reports that over 14,000 Arizona residents have signed a petition to ask "permission" to secede from the
union. The petition was started by the
mysterious Nicholas M. of Gilbert, Az.
Using the White House's We the People website a petition
submitted by our Mr. "M" states...
"The citizens of the great state of Arizona
have the right to stand for their principles,” and “That
man is granted unalienable rights, which are not the dispensations of the
government, but find their beginnings in God and come from God alone. These are
the principles that our forefathers stood for, the principles upon which our
Constitution is based, and those in which we firmly place our belief and
I'm not sure which constitution he's talking about.
To hold up the U.S. Constitution won't work since it governs the body
you're trying to leave. To hold up a state constitution is folly since the last
state to have anything resembling a secession clause was Texas. In fact one of the conditions of statehood is
to specifically remove any secession language from the constitution of the
prospective state.
Arizona isn't alone in its activism and apparently all 50 states have similar petitions in the wake of the election with some more
successful than others.
In Texas an equally mysterious character in
the person of Micah H. has managed to collect over 100,000 signatures for his Texas secession petition.
Strange how all these mysterious characters are suddenly starting
petitions. It's almost as though there
was some type of organized effort.
Perhaps by a conservative group pre-occupied with politics and hot caffeinated
Petitions require only 25,000 signatures to receive an "official"
response which upon meeting that threshold is likely to go something like this,
"Thanks for your petition, we value your opinion but No"
Even Arizona's fiery state's rights advocate, Gov. Jan Brewer, has
publicly stated she did not support the idea of secession.
Of course she doesn't. Her
distaste for the federal government may be obvious but no state can afford to
lose its share of the Federal dole.
Unfortunately for the secessionists, they're not likely to find much
support from other state governors either.
Setting aside the legal ramifications, state governments are far too
dependent on federal funding to seriously entertain the idea of secession.
When the South lost the Civil War (a secessionist movement) it was due to a failing economy and flawed
economic construct. Perhaps it is the
best example of the dangers of an extreme ideology overruling reason. Apparently history has few lessons for a
So much for the bloodless revolution.
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