So I'm sitting home watching tonight's dinner of Mac and Cheese bubble when I hear the familiar
"ding!" of my email notification.
Ah well, just another bit of spam I suppose...
Except it wasn't...
For 2 years we've borne witness to the exit of TWIT's
most popular hosts including Tom Merritt, Kirsten Sanford (Dr. Kiki), Bryan Brushwood and now...
Sarah Lane.
From a Twitter post, the longtime TWIT
sidekick and ever faithful Sarah Lane
(@sarahlane) announced
that she would be leaving the full time employ of TWIT for a position as
executive producer of video for TechCrunch (a news site focusing on tech companies.)
As of this writing nothing has been posted about the move on
the TechCrunch site but the announcement was posted on Sarah Lane's personal
blog and validated by a similar entry on
According to TWIT's posting Sarah will continue
to co-host Ipad Today and IFive for the Iphone *note
Along with Lane's departure comes news that longtime This Week in Google co-host Gina Trapani
(@ginatrapani) will be "scaling back her involvement with the show to focus on her own venture,
"ThnikUp." She'll also be
leaving the Android News show, All About
Lastly, With all the exits comes a rare entrance,
Megan Morrone (@meganmorrone). Morrone is
another alumnus from TechTV and an early
host of the show Jumping Monkeys. She'll be taking over hosting duties from
Lane for Tech News Tonight and IFive for the Iphone.
The message is clear.
This is not the TWIT you knew and all traces of the
Merritt era of TWIT have now been wiped away replaced by a host known for more
family friendly topics like geek parenting than hard hitting tech news.
From a recent tweet from Morrone on Twitter..." I just used my Gmail address to sign into my
OneDrive account on my MacBook. And I'd like to buy the world a Coke."
Expect more scintillating commentary like that in future
episodes of Tech News Tonight...
It remains to be seen how the family values of Morrone will
react to the innuendo and bawdy antics of a frequently lewd Laporte.
The departure of Lane above all else signals for many (myself included) the end of TWIT. But for Lane, given the network's direction, it's likely the best career decision she could make and I wish her success..
I began this series of articles by
referencing the old adage of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It now appears we've not only thrown out the
baby but have taken a grenade to the entire bathroom...
*You may notice a contradiction there. In the earlier TWIT posting about Sarah
Lane it was mentioned that she would continue IFive for the Iphone but the
later Morrone announcement lists her as the new host. Perhaps some last minute shuffling at play
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