Did you notice?
Stephen Colbert's new Late Show is a success all on its own
and breaking new ground in the genre is becoming the norm.
He sings, he dances and he tells a pretty good joke. He's topically relevant with all the witty repertoire
of his previous show and then some.
He's been unchained from a role that if we paid close attention
to wasn't really that far from the "Real" Stephen Colbert we enjoy on
the Late Show.
Which means he's not afraid to mix it up a bit and set a
precedent or two. Who else would have
famous Cellist Yo Yo Ma sit in with a jazz band the entire show and wrap up
with a rousing chorus of the "Happy Birthday" song.
Which is a precedent in itself.
Until recently, "Happy Birthday"
was considered a copyrighted work and any performance of it from a late night
talk show to a kid's birthday party was deemed infringement without express
permission and royalty payments.
Meaning you didn't hear it much on TV.
All that went out the window last month with the pounding of
Judge George H. King's gavel. Meaning the beloved melody can now be belted
out freely by tone deaf parents and talk show hosts everywhere without fear.
Last night was the first time since the ruling that a public
performance of the song was heard on broadcast television. Thus giving Colbert credit for yet another
precedent while he and the audience serenaded Yo Yo Ma with the song in
celebration of Ma's 60th birthday.
It was even more meaningful than John McCain getting booed
by Colbert's audience for an off-handed remark against the Obama
It's better to elevate a tiny triumph of justice than a
tired bit of political pandering. Even
if it's only a silly song sung at birthday parties.
It's Colbert's knack for bringing a little bit of nothing to
light that can actually be a lot of something if you bother to pay attention...
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