I've been thinking a lot about relationships lately and
that's a bad thing because, well, I'm really bad at them.
Not bad in sense of being selfish or abusive.
Rather, I tend to be as my 8th grade English teacher once
said to me...."Hyper analytical."
Before you run off to Google it, that just means I think too
much...about everything.
Seems nothing happens in my life without at least some
measure of the consequences being considered first.
At length...
The same can be said for a lot of people but I tend to take it to another
level. Hence...Hyper analytical.
It's served me well for all those things where there was a
"safer" option but relationships are all about risk and reward.
So let me put this out there right up front. The Internet is a HORRIBLE place to find
answers to your relationship questions.
Want to ruin a good thing? Listen
to some idiot try to tell you what you're feeling.
"The first kiss should happen by the second
"Sex should happen by the 5th date..."
"If she doesn't want to hold your hand it means she's
not into you..."
Love isn't an Amazon Prime purchase. There are no customer reviews or 5 star
rating systems. Well, there are but
they're worthless.
The heart wants what it wants but I can tell you from
experience that the heart is, to be blunt, stupid. This is why we have brains. The problem is the two are mortal
enemies. Where the heart may be warm and
accepting the brain is cold, analytical
and far more subject to the influence of the sin of "idle hands."
Leave things unsaid long enough and those "idle
hands" get busy.
The best relationship advice is to forget about expectations. Especially those born from uncertainty.
If you look for answers everywhere BUT the person who actually has them you're doomed.
I've written about the dangers of relying on absolutes before and when it comes to relationships it seems they're everywhere. Look for definitive answers to questions about love and you get 1000 opinions. All of them framed as a golden truth but as worthless as cow patties.
I've written about the dangers of relying on absolutes before and when it comes to relationships it seems they're everywhere. Look for definitive answers to questions about love and you get 1000 opinions. All of them framed as a golden truth but as worthless as cow patties.
OK, here's the wave thing again...
Remember we can only control our own actions, our own
thoughts and our own judgement. The more we ride the waves the more we learn that no two are ever the same. Any expectations beyond "wet" and "movement" are unreliable.
Be open to what's happening in the relationship good or bad but keep your expectations out of it.
I can tell you from experience that the worst heartbreak
comes not from what you think someone did to you but rather a personal
expectation they couldn't and/or didn't want to live up to.
That's the issue with expectations; they aren't reality, they're just unspoken demands. Anything unspoken eventually leads to trouble down the line. Besides, DEMANDS don't make for great relationships.
That's the issue with expectations; they aren't reality, they're just unspoken demands. Anything unspoken eventually leads to trouble down the line. Besides, DEMANDS don't make for great relationships.
I have a close friend that I absolutely HATE going to
restaurants with. The reason is that
he's never happy with his order. An
example comes to mind.
My friend often orders salads. Now it's not unusual that they just might include a tomato or two.
Thing is, he hates tomatoes with a passion but when he
orders he never says anything to the waiter about his disdain for all things tomato. So the salad comes with the offending red veggie (Supreme Court says it's not a fruit BTW) and spends the rest of the meal grumbling about how they should have known he didn't
want tomatoes.
It's happened so often
that now I won't go anywhere with him that doesn't require you to tell someone
behind a sneeze guard exactly what you want.
Subway restaurants come to mind...
Just like my finicky eating friend you never get what you
want when you make unilateral judgments.
Admittedly, that's hard to do at times.
Gosh, wouldn't it be just wonderful if if all our
relationships were like an 80's John Hughes film. A couple of awkward meetings, love and/or
friendship develops and gets tested just before the ultimate resolution rising
to a crescendo complete with happy ending all in the space of a couple of
Yeah, it don't work that way.
It's easier if you're riding the wave instead of trying to
dictate its direction. Love the moment,
breathe in the atmosphere and enjoy the ride.
Just don't forget to keep your eyes open.
We get into the most trouble when we get lost in our own
expectations and make blind assumptions.
Be you, be real and be open...
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