Saturday, June 16, 2018

I'm still positive....

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.
From The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Longfellow takes you to the last verse before any glimmer of hope appears in Rainy Day.  Every verse prior paints a dreary scene.

But that last verse, Oh that last verse!  

The power in it, the power of the poem itself lies not in the soggy resignation to the hopeless but rather the impending emergence from it.

This goes to the core of positivity.  The realization that the world is always seen through your own perspective.  You choose whether the clouds obscure the sun.  You choose whether the rain brings life or drowns your soul.

The light always shines even if shrouded by your darkest hours.  Whether you choose to see it is a different matter.

Look to the skies on a clear night.  

What do you see? 

A thick black veil of nothingness or an intricate tapestry of a million shining jewels dancing in the heavens.

Your attitude is meaningless to the stars.  They exist in spite of your attention.  Their light is always there even if they aren't always easy to see.

So it is with positivity.   You control your perspective.  

Too often we're blind to the light when the darkness is too familiar.  We hope and dream of a better life but frame it in the perspective of what keeps us from it.

Mistrust, doubt, fear, uncertainty draw us into nothingness like a black hole devouring the light.  

But the light will not be denied.

A smile emerges from tears.  Hope from defeat.  Understanding from uncertainty.  Love displaces doubt.

So long as we're willing to give at least as much credence to the positive as we so easily give to its opposite we can find our light in the darkness.




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