Transcript below...'nuf said
I hate to
date a video by bringing up a current event but the coming YouTube Adpocalypse
in 2019 is being driven by yet another self-serving "activist." One whose own past is questionable in the
context of his "activism" becoming
a prime example of what's wrong with social media.
I don't
usually get involved in new media controversies. I see them as hollow, pointless and
self-serving to the so-called "activists."
questions the source if there's an opportunity to milk a story for all its
worth. For example, I watched a couple of videos on the" Pedo Ring"
controversy on YouTube which is causing major advertisers to pull out of the
platform. While I don't always agree
with the viewpoints of channels like the
TheQuartering or Optimus , I have to
agree with the premise that the media's new "YouTube warrior" is less
about his cause and more about his popularity.
I won't
bother to name his channel as I have no desire to encourage the behavior.
That this
guy went from virtually nothing to monetized overnight with YouTube's blessing
is ironic considering he's attacking the very platform he's deriving revenue
from and being given a voice to speak by it.
That he
blames the platform for the problem is either misplaced aggression or outright
sensationalism. I lean toward the
latter. There were ways to achieve his
goals without causing harm to legitimate creators or the platform.
In essence it's like suing an automaker for a
fatal accident because the car went too fast.
You can
make a safer car and Youtube is hypersensitive about being a safe
platform. That someone finds a way to
misuse it for their twisted compulsions is not reason to attack and damage
it. Where is the personal responsibility
I'm sick
and tired of so-called "activists" blaming everything but the
perpetrator of the misdeed for whatever "cause célèbre" is popular
today. Half-truths, half-reasoned,
complete insanity.
Let me be clear. YouTube is no great ally of mine and has done
my own channels great harm with their overheated fear of losing safe harbor and
broken search algorithm but if I do something wrong it's my fault not theirs.
No, YouTube
isn't pure and unsullied. In fact you
can find literally hundreds of channels blessed by YouTube whose only purpose
is to instruct new "creators" how to essentially STEAL content from
other videos on the platform, abuse the search algorithm and make money for
doing nothing but a cut and paste of other peoples work. The result is 1000's of "Top Ten"
compilation videos with millions of views and thousands in revenue for these
new "creators." The original
creators see none of it and worse the search algorithm gets pre-loaded with
garbage ultimately crowding out legitimate content.
This is the
same kind of sensationalist and seedy mechanism the so-called
"activist" uses to enrich
himself at the expense of others.
It's the
same issue I have with the so-called "woke" movement that treats
everything not 100% in line with their views as "misogynistic."
It's not
misogynistic to be against a revisionist history agenda even when it's in the
form of popular media.
The new
"Captain Marvel" movie is a prime example by making it less about
entertainment and more about an agenda.
Where have
we heard that before...
Games like
Battlefield 5, TV shows like Doctor Who and the militant effort to reshape a
world view into something worse than the
wrongs they're trying to correct.
It's a
stupid game, a dumb comic book, a nerdy TV show.
Yes, it's all of those things but all of them
have their own history, their own take on the world of their time. A view that should not be lost and a story
that must be built upon not denied.
I'd rather
that Doctor Who wasn't the new vehicle for a blatant political agenda. I'd rather that we didn't need to focus on
gender in a video game or a comic book character for the same reason. All of these mediums can help change a world
view but not by alienating half of it.
This is the problem.
pendulum will swing, that's true, but every pendulum has a fulcrum. Without it there is no pendulum only
anarchy. Denying history, denying other
views denies the fulcurm. Good or Bad
our history is our foundation. We try to
take that which is good and learn from that which is wrong and unjust.
example, with all the evils of the Roman Empire to say that it's gifts to
modern civilization are irrelevant is simply ignorant. Succeeding generations after the fall have
tried to learn from the past and hopefully not repeat its worst aspects.
Not always
with success but to whitewash the failures or deny the history is to perpetuate
the greater sin. To align with the cult
of personality and the cause célèbre while blatantly denying anything that
conflicts with your own world view or your own contribution to the problem only
moves civilization that much more quickly to collapse.
This sounds
more like I agree with the rampant SJW causes of the day but in fact I accuse
them of the very sin they claim to be vanquishing.
We come
back to ideology again. The truth lies
not in any full swing of the pendulum but rather where it rests at the center.
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