Wednesday, February 12, 2020
I watch you go....
Heart wide open
Eyes firmly shut
Not with reason
but faith in...what?
Faith in the unspoken a feeling shared
Faith in a union but no armor to a heart bared
Fool or hero, neither or both
A trust given not earned on little more than hope
What could I do but gather more lines
for another sad tome of a union denied
My shadows her demons both tainting the air
So much promise, so much hope but no fruit to bear
Her love restrained so shackled by shadows
Mine given freely but fearing the gallows
The day is over the night draws first breath
At the well of the unrequited again I mourn love's death
I mourn the truth more that two couldn't be united
I mourn one last time and for a moment, delighted.
For what it was, so much to me even for a little while.
At times the memory still brings a smile
There's no shame that to love I surrendered
That she woke a still heart with stirred embers
But now I am done and alone is no burden
What I seek lives not here, of this she is certain
Give to me now a moment of grace even if strength shows not on a tortured face
The heart burns strong but seeks not another to know love is to be love
and that needs no other.
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